Pearls of Life: Relaxation, Drinking Coconut Water and Practicing Yoga on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia.
Local Kid Preparing the Fresh Coconut Water, Caribbean Beach, Colombia
Relax and enjoy. That's the main theme on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. The Caribbean Coast that starts from Carrtagena and continues to Santa Marta until La Guajira region is full of nature and beautiful in its scenery, views of the ocean, mountains, banana plantations, coffee farms and just local villages. I wanted to have a place for practicing yoga and for creative space for Leelush website and I found it in Palomino.
Yoga in the Maloka in Palomino with Caribbean Ocean Views
The Selina hostel in Palomino is seated on the Caribbean Coast, beachfront. I have stayed there long enough to enjoy and learn the dynamic of the ocean. Every morning I woke up for a yoga class. The diversity of the classes were amazing. Some classes were with music and live instruments. The music was authentic and local with integration of Spanish music with a deep rhythm. Watching the ocean from the Maloka where the classes were taking place had an immediate influence of meditation. At the end of each class, I had a natural smoothie of fruits and ginger and we made a cheers for a new day.
Yoga in the Maloka in Palomino with Caribbean Ocean Views
The structure of the Maloka at the Selina in Palomino is authentic and built from wood exactly like you can find in the villages of the indigenous. From the Maloka, you have the view of the ocean, the beach, the travelers, the local indigenous walking barefoot with their tribe. One fascinating thing that I found on the coast is the indigenous communities and the difference between the tribes. The Indigenous on the coast in Palomino are very welcomed by the locals and are integrating with them for business transactions where locals buy from the indigenous the bags that they produce in their communities.
Local kids Preparing Fresh Coconut Water in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia.
It is a regular occurrence to see local kids playing football and gathering together. It is often to see the children are around their parents and you can witness a close connection, family ties that are significant.
I enjoy drinking fresh coconut water on the beach of the Caribbean Coast in Colombia. The beautiful thing is the way that it was served to me, the two children carry a wheelbarrow full of coconuts picked up fresh from the trees. Upon my request, and after negotiating the price, they cut the coconuts and they let me enjoy my drink. I recommend vacation on the beach and definitely some yoga classes with meditation.
Palomino Beach in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia